Dental Care

Bad breath?

Regular dental care is critical to your pet’s health, but they can’t do it alone. Brook Farm is here to help you brush up on your pet’s dental needs.

Why dentals?

A healthy pet starts with a healthy mouth.

The Risk

We know from human medicine that oral hygiene is incredibly important for overall wellbeing. It’s a key way to keep your cat or dog healthy. Dental disease in dogs and cats is very common, and very dangerous. Left untreated, it can lead to major problems like heart disease and kidney failure.

Gentle, Thorough Dental Care

If a cat or dog could brush their own teeth, it’d prevent the need for frequent cleanings, but unfortunately they can’t. During dental cleanings, we remove tartar from the teeth and under the gum lines, which will prevent infection and bone loss. Keeping teeth clean and gums healthy is the best way to ensure your pet keeps those teeth forever. It also helps prevent other health issues, such as heart and kidney infections, down the road.

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Common Questions

What are dental cleanings?
Dental cleanings start just like yours. An oral exam is performed, full-mouth radiographs are taken, teeth are scaled and polished, and we remove calculus from the tooth’s surface and under gum lines. We then probe the teeth to measure the pockets that exist under the gum lines. If teeth are very unhealthy, we remove them. There is often pain and risk of infection associated with diseased teeth. What we have heard from our clients is that pets seem brighter, eat better, and look happier after a dental cleaning with us!
What's involved with a dental cleaning?
A dental cleaning starts with counting and charting all the teeth. We then take full mouth dental x-rays. After that, we clean the teeth with ultrasonic scalers, and lastly polish the teeth.
Learn more about what to expect by watching our video.
Will my pet be stressed or in pain?
At Brook Farm, our medical team is trained in Free Fear practices. This means that we have additional training that allows us to prevent & alleviate fear, anxiety and stress in all of our patients. Regarding the dental procedures, our veterinarians use therapies that are tailored to individual patients – this ensures that they are low-stress and pain-free.
What are dental extractions?
Dental extractions are when we remove teeth during a dental cleaning procedure. Teeth need to be removed if the tooth is broken, if the inner part of the tooth called the pulp or dentin is exposed, if the tooth is mobile (wiggly), if the tooth is dead, or if we see evidence of infection. We always hope to take out as few teeth as possible, but after taking dental x-rays, we sometimes find some bad surprises lurking under the gum lines.
How long does a cleaning take?
If your pet doesn’t require extractions, the process takes under 1 hour. If we do need to perform extractions or your pet has dental disease, however, it will take longer. During the entire dental cleaning, we will keep you informed.
Will my pet be sedated?
Yes, your pet will be under full anesthesia. This protects your pet’s airways while our team uses sharp instruments and a steady flow of water in your pet’s mouth. If you have more questions about this, give us a call.

"Dr. Kanouse is very gentle and always takes his time."

Angela N.
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